Thursday, January 9, 2014

Document Analysis: The Sources of Soviet Conduct

  1. What is the origin and purpose of this document?
    -Origin: July 1947; US Foreign Affairs; released anonymously; written by George Kennan (senior State Department official)
    -Purpose: Basis of US policy toward Soviet Union (for duration of Cold War); "containment"
  2. What did Kennan consider to be the main principles of Communist ideology?
    -"Theory of inevitability of the eventual fall of capitalism" => communism is prolonged and patient; no hurry
    -Until the fall of capitalism, the socialists need only to defend their "socialist fatherland" at home and overseas
    -Only one party=>one ideology=>one truth
    -Soviet power focused on the discipline of its people
  3. What did he see as the main reasons for Soviet hostility to the West?
    -The Soviets believed capitalism to be a self-destructive root of all evil; there is an "innate antagonism between capitalism and socialism"
  4. Why did he believe that Soviet leaders could never be trusted?
    -Kennan believes the Soviet leaders use feigned peace and sincerity as a "tactical maneuver"; these moments are not times to celebrate that "'the Russians have changed'", but rather are merely meant to be regarded wearily; intimacy between the US/USSR will be distant for a great time
  5. What did he propose that the West do to counter Soviet expansionism?
    -The West must not boast or show "superfluous gestures of outward 'toughness'", but instead remain assured and unwavering in their decision to continually apply long-term pressure to the Soviet Union.
    -Furthermore, the US must work to shadow the Soviet's every move with "vigilant application of counter-force at...constantly shifting geographical and political points".
  6. Why did Kennan caution Western leaders to avoid gestures of "toughness" toward the USSR?
    -While the socialist policy is flexible to its enemies, it is not vulnerable to external signs of "prestige" and will not yield.
    -Russia will also exploit such weaknesses as loss of temper/self control.
    -The US must not toy with Russian pride/ego.
  7. How did Kennan think US policy could contribute to the breakup or mellowing of Soviet power?
    -"...No mystical, Messianic movement...can face frustration indefinitely..."
    -Continual, unwavering pressure toward the US will bow the Soviet Union's socialist policy down in the end; the US has the potential to be influential, even alone.
  8. What are the values and limitations of this document for historians studying the origins of the Cold War?
    -Values: Detailed, logical insight on the part of an authoritative Foreign Affairs figure; explains why Russia is a threat to the US and what method must be carried out in containing the spread of Communism; was eventually adopted and instigated by US on their foreign policy with the USSR for the duration of the Cold War
    -Limitations: This is only the foundation for US policy; this document does not provide evidence for how and when the policy was instigated; also does not evince possible rebuttals or additional implementations to the ensuing US foreign policy.

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